The list of Classes Offered Below:

Daily Drawing & Oil Painting: Makeups are Available in All “Dailey Drawing & Oil Painting” Class Times. Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 10:30-1:30 pm and Tuesday & Wednesday 7:00-9:39 pm times. Just Show up to any of the Similar Classes and make up your missed class.

All Classes Start on The First Monday Of Each Month!

Structured Class exercises showing: How, What, Why, and Where Concepts of Art can evoke your story or message in your desired art. Exercises are explained One step at a time. You progress at your speed independently. Many of the exercises have been recorded for you to review and do at home as well as in class.

The Drawing Program is a Prerequisite to Painting. The Drawing concepts are NOT taught in the painting program. Therefore the Exercises in the Drawing Program prepare you to understand  ” what to do
and “Where to do” what is needed to succeed in the Painting Program.
Some class days rarely have openings because 90-95% of our artists continue, and many of our students sign up for more than one day (class) a week.  This is for the artist who has always wanted to do art but never made time, or those who feel something is missing in your art. The Drawing program answers and trains you to think in Art Terms.

Day Classes Offered:  Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 10:30-1:30 pm  (you pay for 4 weeks per month )  Starting the First Week Of Each Month, ( mostly)
Monthly Recurring Payments are $125. choose one day a week – for 3 hours a week – for – 4 weeks ( that is 4 classes a month). Come to any other Dailey Drawing and Painting Class to make up missed days.

Makeup Policy for all classes – makeup classes are available on any of the “Daily Drawing & Oil Painting Classes Day or Night –

You must be currently paid in a class that month – to do make-up classes.

if you are continuing enrollment into the next month -your makeup classes – carry over.

-only -if you are currently paid in the class you are doing the makeup classes in.

Night: Dailey Drawing and Painting Classes are offered on both Tuesday & Wednesday Nights from 7:00 pm-9:30 pm ( 4 weeks ) Starting the First Week Of Each Month,
Recurring Payment $125- because 95% of the class continues, cancel when you would like.
You choose a day -one day a week- for 2 ½ hours a week for 4 weeks per month.

Payment is taken out when you sign up try to pay as close to the start date as possible. We start on the first Monday of each month. Classes are continuous.






We Specialize In A Step For Step How To Programs.
Our Program helps all artists to reach higher levels in art. Gain skills and knowledge to succeed by building on each concept taught. Starting with Drawing and then eventually Painting. You progress and move at Your Pace, One Step At A Time. This class is the core reason Chris’ classes have been in such high demand for nearly 30 years.

Designed for all levels but the Beginners Are My Favorite! ALL YOU NEED IS DESIRE!
The program is set up with a series of exercises-each explaining What, Where, Why, and How an artist is to use the specific “Art Principle”  we call “Art Tools Not Rules”.

There is a mixture of drawing and painting artist levels in each class. Allowing for the beginning drawing students to hear the advanced painting exercises and the advanced students to hear the beginning exercises reminding each student what they have learned or will learn.

Paint Your Way: If you have painted before and would like to Paint Under Chris’ Mentoring join this community of artists and use your images (vacation, family, portraits, commissions, etc. ) Chris shares color theories, mediums, composition, and thoughts to take your art to a higher level. These are typically the Afternoon classes which a at an Intermediate Level.

Level: Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced

Art Secrets: Drawing & Painting Through Art History – with Chris diDomizio:      

Wednesday 2:30- 4:30 PM,  Starting the First Week Of Each Month, Once a Week for 4 weeks $125.00

  Join Chris as he and you will paint together your way through Art’s History. Learning to see, understand, and paint our way together through history. Each period of art had a specific artist who made contributions to art. The class will paint those contributions and see how artists later were influenced by these new methods of thought and approach to art.

Understand the artist of the past and how to use the palette, why specific colors, brushes, and mediums are used in a specific way.

Discover What, Why, and How, We will go through all the steps these artists use to achieve their message for each painting.

Chris lectures and demonstrates on the First Week of Each Month. Then the Rest of That Month – You the Artist-Take that Concept from that Period Art Just Taught and Apply It to Your Art Piece. Week Two- YOU work up small Drawing Sketches. Weeks Three- and Four YOU Do Small Thumbnail Sketches working out Notan, HalfTone, color, and design problems. Weeks Two through Four Chris walks the room helping you with your ideas.

This class is about learning from the past and how to use it in your art today! 

Without reservation, this is an amazing class not to be missed where we all learn something new things each day. Oil painting experience is a prerequisite for this class.

Learning How To Start A Painting. Chris will teach that art period’s concept. you will take your photographs ( iPhone is fine) in the same manner as the taught period. then we will do a couple of 6×9″ pencil sketches working out the issues. This is followed by a couple of 8X10 painting cartoons- painting sketches with your image.

Then we go to the next period of art. Join us, painting knowledge is recommended, but you could do this in charcoal and draw as well.

We will use oil paint as our primary medium for making a small painting. All the old masters from Giotto. Join Us!

Level: just beyond beginning – Intermediate 

Chris leads the afternoon class by painting with them on the first week of each month explaining the concept or topic of that month. Week Two, Three, and Four – You will do 6″ x 9″ sketches in either drawing or painting depending on the month’s topic. As we paint through Color definitions, Color Theory, and any other Art term that can and does come up, How to use each color principle, theory, and technique.

We spend a month on each concept/definition/image.

We use your image (iPhone is fine) if you need one of Chris’ images that will be available as well. This class will flow from old masters’ color theories, concepts, and thoughts, and how to use them in your art each week.  Intermediate painting levels as you paint with Chris.

Join us. open to all who have painted in oils. You can use watercolor and acrylic but Chris is limited in those mediums. 
Currently we are looking the famous South Western Artist James Reynolds amazing use and grasp of Color Theory. Join Us in These two day paintings 6″x9″ every few weeks we start a new painting. all Days are filmed for you to rewatch at how.

Tuesday 2:30 pm- 4:30 pm ( 2 Hours- Once a Week for 4 weeks ) cost $125
 Registration Starts on The Third Monday of Each Month

 Learn the Steps as Chris goes through his thought process most often originating from the old masters. paintings from drawing concepts, color sketches, and finally the actual painting.







We are excited to offer this amazing class. Finally see Chris’ steps he takes as prep work through sketches, and color studies, and then together paint the scene with Chris. Color theory is a large part of this, Chris will share why he finds specific edges and what mediums to use.  Chris will paint with the class explaining each step. 

 Kids Classes are Ongoing, 2021 – Classes 

Saturday’s $30 a visit or  6 classes – $160  JoDette, Ryan, M.J., and Elif –                         TEACH THE KIDS CLASSES TOGETHER
     We Specialize In A Step For Step by Step  Program!
The kid’s program is an extension of the adult drawing and painting program. The same concepts but with an emphasis on “fun”. The children’s program has been an enormous success with over 100 kids in two different locations. (metro academic studies during the school year and in our studio). The success form the children’s program is due to the art teachers all going through the adult program making it easy to teach the same concepts as the adults learn. Draw in Graphite and charcoal, watercolor, pastel, and acrylic paint. pay as you come.
8+. yrs 9-12-Year-Olds 10:30-12:00 pm,  12-15 yr olds 12:15-1:45 pm
No Kids Classes – The Last Saturday Of Each Month.