Chris diDomizio is a nationally award-winning artist with over 30 years of teaching experience. His background and qualifications include:
President / Owner, Art Teacher of diDomizio Arts School, now located in Roswell, GA training artists to become teachers and leaders in the art community.
instructed and mentored thousands of students over 20 years with currently over 150 students a week.
President / Head of Color Research / PureColor, LLC
- Portrait Of President Carter in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery Permanent Collection, Washington D.C..
- Currently painting “Legacy Series” ten- twenty paintings/drawings of President Carter for Carter Center, Carter Library, Carter Historic Museum
- National award-winning artist
- Oil painter and professional photographer
- International training in Florence, Italy
- Formally studied art in college for 12 years
- Studied seven years with Dr. Richard Hillis
- Chris’ artwork resides in prominent collections alongside Rembrandt and Sargent.
- Worked for the Atlanta College of Art
- Member of Who’s Who in American Colleges
- Member of the Prestigious Oil Painters of America
- Member of the Internationally Acclaimed Portrait Society of America
- Member of the Portrait Society of Atlanta
- Member of the American Impressionist Society
- Rosemary Paint Company designed and named a paintbrush for Chris diDomizio.
- An authority on one of the greatest 19c artists – John S. Sargent
- Lectures on John S. Sargent has given to the Portrait Society of Atlanta (among the most prestigious portrait organizations in America), Ben Robertson Center, Alpharetta Art Guild
- Art Workshops are given all over the Europe and United States:
- Each trip included 50-80 artists on 10 separate trips to the South of Provence, France.10 separate trips to Italy (Bellagio, Venice, Verona, Florence).
- Led 30-40 artists as a Museum Guide to major art shows: 1997 Sargent Show at Francine Clark Institute, 1999 Sargent Retrospective Exhibition at Museum of Fine Art Boston, Vermeer Retrospective National Gallery Washington D.C., Monet Retrospective Chicago Art Institute, Sargent Watercolor Retrospective Brooklyn Museum, New York. Sargent Drawing Retrospective Washington, D.C., Sargent in Spain, Washington D.C., Sargent and Friends in Chicago Art Institute, and Countless other Museum trips all over the United States and Europe.
CEO / President PureColor LLC, Head of color Research and Development.

Chris teaching a Color workshop on the Triadic Circle
Chris started his own private art school in 1995, now located in Atlanta, GA.
• Has taught thousands of students for over 20 years.
• Currently, 150 art students are enrolled each week.
• Designed a successful classical art program for adults and children.
• Training artists to become teachers and leaders in the art community.
• Adult Artwork has been collected in museums, featured on magazine covers, and in numerous magazine articles (18 in recent years – see History Page).
• High School Students have won highly acclaimed local and national competitions (National Congressional Art Competition, Bob Jones University National High School Competition, Governor’s Honors Program).
• International Workshops: Venice, Lake Como, Bellagio, Burano, Italy. Paris, St.Remy, Gordes, Roussillon, Nice, Dordogne, Giverny, France.• Workshops: Portrait Painting, Color Theory, Plein Air, Alla Prima, Figure Drawing, Old Master Techniques, and Portraits. • Museum Trip Lectures: Metropolitan Museum of Art-N.Y. ( Sargent), Museum Fine Art-Boston ( Sargent), Francine Clark Art Institute (Sargent), Wash. D.C. ( Vermeer), Chicago Art Institute (Monet), Booth Museum ( Aspevig). High Museum (Mauritshuis), Venice, Italy (Academy), Louvre, Muse De Orsay, Rodin, Musee de l’Orangerie, Paris, France.
• Upcoming Trips: the second Friday of each month the class finds a local place to paint outside together 10:00 am-12:00 pm then LUNCH TOGETHER… somewhere).
“One day I found myself standing in the Museum of Fine Art in Boston, just staring at John S. Sargent’s painting of Mrs. Boit. I could see his classical foundation. While I was amazed at his ability and power, another one of his paintings caught my eye. As I compared the paintings, I saw art principles clearly demonstrated in one painting — and yet deliberately left out of the next one. I asked myself …why? He clearly knew these concepts. Why would he choose not to use them? Why not show the world what he knew?
I have spent the last 20 years evaluating paintings, trying to see what works, what doesn’t, and why. I saw a pattern: these art concepts are tools, and I can now see when to use them and when to deliberately leave them out.
During my 100,000 hours of painting and teaching art, my definition of beauty in art has changed. Before, the goal was to make a painting realistic, and I excelled at that – but it was unsatisfying. Now, saying, I understand what Sargent was saying, he has a voice in art. He took a specific art tool to evoke a message. When he uses the art tool he is saying one thing and when he chooses not to use it, it says another thing. I discovered the message comes before the principle. To me, that is what makes art beautiful.
I believe art is about you, communicating a message using your voice as Sargent did.
Volunteer Experience
Jan 2010-Present
Poverty Alleviation
• Missions Assisted with the setup of water purification and food drop and coordinated with military police for security in the city of Carrefour, Haiti during the Earthquake.
• Missions Short-term relief aid with ADRA (development and relief agency in Haiti), Global Medic, and existing members of Operation Mobilization in the country.
• Traveled to Haiti about 15 times before, during and after the earthquake.
• Joined the OM Missions team to photograph humanitarian and financial needs in Islamabad-Pakistan, Karachi-Pakistan, Lahore- Pakistan, Shah Faisal Town-Pakistan, Rakur-Pakistan, Dhaka-Bangladesh, Rajshahi- Bangladesh, Rangpur-Bangladesh, Dubai-United Arab Emirates.

Haiti Week Of Earth Quake
Vice President, Photographer, Volunteer
Art With A Mission Atlanta ( Non- profit, NGO)
* Fundraiser to provide monetary assistance for orphans to attend college and trade schools in Haiti.
Domestic Presence
Partnered with City of refuge (ATL) Heart Cry, New Hope in Haiti, John Waller, Pathways, Better Way Ministries, Konos, and Metro Academic Studies.
* Partnered with New Hope Church, Wellspring, World Discipleship Association-Restoring You Heart with counseling of at-risk and underprivileged individual.

Chris diDomizio Plein Air painting at Sweetwater Creek State Park
• Fly fishing, photography, pleine air painting and teaching.