It is time to recognize a couple of our art program’s high school art students awards of the past.


Sally Beck WINNER of National Congressional Art Competition

Congressional Johnson applauds  students efforts, awards college scholarships: Lithonia, Ga Rep. Hank Johnson (ga-04) announced the winners and warded four college scholarships.

Sally BeckHigh School Student - National Congressional Award Winner

Sally BeckHigh School Student – National Congressional Award Winner

Tucker high School student Sally Beck won the competition with ” Post Earthquake: A Day in Haiti.”

She traveled to Washington D.C. to have her art displayed in the Capital Tunnel.


Congratulations to Christina Bantz for her second place award in her regional district in the National Congressional Art Competition! After three years in our art school and spending her last year as my assistant teacher Christina has now gone to the University of Georgia.


Congratulations to Bella for her acceptance into Rhode Island School of Art and Design.

 A longs time ago…. time to recognize this too,

Congratulations to Megan Berner for her winning of the Governors Honors award Competition!                       Sorry, I do not have Megan’s high school image and Megan is now a college graduate, Nurse and Married-the name has changed to McCaul and has returned to art class. This is an amazing image of a child in Africa as Megan makes the next step into her professional art career. I truly believe Megan can be among the top artist in the country if that is her desire.


Megan McCaul’s drawing of a child from Africa


Julian Smith for second place award Bob Jones University High School National Art Competition

Julie Ann Smith

Julie Ann Smith

student art work-624

Julie Ann Smith Pastel drawing 2nd place Bob Jones University National High School Competition













It has been an honor to be a small part of these young adults art careers. They have persevered through the art course and each of the art lessons. They have shown amazing fortitude and desire. I wish I would have taken photographs of all the students and their art work of the past. I am proud of each and everyone of them who have joined our art community.